這是一部關於恐龍的科教記錄片, 北極:7千萬年前。一個極端的世界。夏季的陽光變成了24小時嚴寒的夜晚。恐龍們不得不做出選擇,勇敢的向南遷徙以尋找陽光。一段充滿了暴風雪,火山爆發和致命狩獵者的危險旅程這是一部關於恐龍的科教記錄片, 北極:7千萬年前。一個極端的世界。夏季的陽光變成了24小時嚴寒的夜晚。恐龍們不得不做出選擇,勇敢的向南遷徙以尋找陽光。一段充滿了暴風雪,火山爆發和致命狩獵者的危險旅程,一個年輕的埃德蒙頓龍開始了他的第一個千裏遷移. 片中令人驚歎的CG動畫 和精心構建的數碼世界,可以說是真正的恐龍電影演變,令人震撼. The Arctic 70 million years ago. It is a world of extremes. Tropical summers of 24hr sunlight are replaced by freezing winters of continuous night. The remarkable dinosaurs that lived under the Northern Lights had to make a choice, brave the winter or head south to find the sun. Join Scar, a young Edmontosaurus embarking on his first thousand-mile migration. It is a journey for survival that is fraught with danger; blizzards, volcanic eruptions and deadly predators lie ahead. Meanwhile Patch, a juvenile Troodon, left alone in the North, must learn to survive in one of the harshest environments the Earth has ever known. This epic feature-length adventure portrays an incredible polar odyssey that actually happened but has never been witnessed before. Based on recent fossil evidence blasted out of the ice around the North Pole, the makers of ''Walking with Dinosaurs'' and ''Prehistoric Park'' are delighted to introduce you to an all-new cast of dinosaurs, from feathered tyrannosaurs to giant marine predators. Featuring stunning animation and a painstakingly recreated digital world, it can truly be said that the dinosaur film has evolved.詳情
主演:詹妮弗·安妮斯頓,瑞茜·威瑟斯彭,比利·克魯德普,喬恩·哈姆,朱麗安娜· 瑪格麗絲,馬克·杜普拉斯,凱倫·皮特曼,格蕾塔·李,妮可·貝哈瑞,斯蒂芬·弗雷,娜塔麗·莫瑞絲,蓓爾·波利,詹妮娜·加萬卡,馬西婭·蓋伊·哈登,霍蘭德·泰勒,內斯特·卡博內爾,瓦萊麗亞·戈利諾,珊農·沃德華德,琳賽·鄧肯,泰格·諾塔洛,克萊夫·斯坦登,哈桑·明哈傑,湯姆·埃爾文,傑克·康利,盧瑞·奧康納,塔拉·卡拉西安,阿拉諾·米勒,德賽恩·泰瑞,喬·馬裏內利,安德魯·帕特裏克·拉斯頓,喬·帕切科,Adam Kang