孟小軍的全家遭遇了一場慘烈的車禍,他們騎的摩托車被卡車撞翻,孟小軍受了重傷,年僅4歲的女兒嚴重腦損傷,而妻子則當場死亡。女兒必須在一周之內做一台昂貴的手術才能保住性命,手術的花費要十二萬,作為小縣城的修車工,孟小軍根本無法在一周之內湊到錢。所以,走投無路的他聽從了太平間管理員老張的建議:打算將妻子的遺體賣到農村,與一個剛剛死去的年輕人結成陰婚。 All the families of Xiaojun Meng suffered a serious car accident. A truck rammed his motorcycle and Xiaojun Meng was hurt badly and her four-year-old daughter was suffered a fearful brain damage, but her wife was dead, unfortunately. In order to save her daughter, she must be conducted an expensive operation within a week, which costs ¥120,000. Since Meng is a car mechanic in a small town, there is no doubt that Meng cannot pay the operation fee. At last, he followed the mortuary administrator, Lao Zhang’s advice, that is, he would sell his wife’s remains to rural and got her Yin married with a dead young man.
主演:羅伯特·德尼羅,傑西·普萊蒙,麗茲·卡潘,康妮·布裏頓,瓊·艾倫,馬修·莫迪恩,安吉拉·貝塞特,莫讚·瑪諾,麥金利·貝爾徹三世,邁克爾·博裏尼,庫利·卡爾文,丹·史蒂文斯,比爾·坎普,傑·克拉茨,TJ Lee,Marie France Louis,伊登·李,Mike McGowan,艾瑞克·麥考利斯特,艾利克斯·卡什