Morse and Lewis investigate the death of Laura Poindexter, an American tourist who is part of an e
Morse and Lewis investigate the death of Laura Poindexter, an American tourist who is part of an exclusive tour group visiting Oxford. Missing from her personal effects is her jewelry, including the Wolvercote Tongue which she was going to donate to the Ashmolean Museum. The pathologist determines that she died of natural causes, but Morse feels there's something not quite right. The mystery deepens when Theodore Kemp, the Ashmolean's expert on the Wolvercote Tongue, is found dead and Mrs. Poindexter's husband goes missing.
主演:湯姆·克魯斯,肯尼思·布拉納,比爾·奈伊,湯姆·威爾金森,卡裏斯·範·侯登,托馬斯·克萊舒曼,特倫斯·斯坦普,艾迪·伊紮德,凱文·麥克納利,克裏斯蒂安·貝克爾,傑米·帕克,戴維·鮑姆伯,湯姆·霍蘭德爾,大衛·斯科菲爾德,肯內斯·庫蘭漢姆,哈裏納·雷金,維爾納·德恩,哈維·弗裏德曼,馬提亞斯·施維赫夫,瓦爾德馬·科布斯,弗裏蘭·坦科斯,伊恩·麥克尼奇,丹尼·韋伯,克裏斯·拉金,Philipp von Schulthess,沃坦·維爾克·默林,克裏斯蒂安·奧列佛,伯納德·希爾,朱利安·莫裏斯,蒂姆·威廉姆斯,